There is little changed for some aspects of the game do not mind

Zombies are hip and happening: in movies, series, zombie walks, and of course games. It noted publisher Deep Silver in 2011 though, as Dead Island five million times went over the counter. That was a significant measure due to the publicity garnered the game with a few notable trailer. Successor Dead Island: Riptide was in turn due attention Zombie Bait Edition, where a torso when sitting in front of a woman in bikini without arms and head. Marketing Technically it also with the second part okay. This also applies to the game itself?

Riptide appear and a half years after the first part, but the brainstorming sessions have produced no new ideas in the meantime. The recipe of the game is in fact remained virtually unchanged and continues where its predecessor ended: the survivors beaches quickly gets on a tropical island and have to do mainly with weapons such as bats, hammers, axes and machetes. John Morgan has been added as a character. He hits the zombies preferably with his hands from her, using a pair of brass knuckles.

There is little changed, for some aspects of the game do not mind. So the fights are still somewhat monotonous, but also wonderfully chaotic and a bit addictive. Moreover, the controls work properly. The open world is detailed and there are also sites where you been all agree, constantly discovering new things. Alcohol can make Molotov cocktails, can be found energy drinks and apples for your health to boost and there are many, many zombies by shouting constantly emphasize that threatens potential danger in every corner.

The car can still be used to explore the island and is still the most comfortable means of transport in the game, but to reach a destination, it is often still a lot to be walked. New are the boats, which are necessary in order to achieve certain locations. However, a quiet patch of sail is not there, because the zombies have gathered in the water. This involves drowned variants that try to drag out of your boat.

The skill level system works fine in Riptide. There is a great variety of possibilities, such as increasing stamina, lose a large health bar, more powerful attacks and less money if the zombies you have taken to graze. The weapons are - by finding blueprints and collect the necessary items - upgrade with nails, steel wire, fire and other fun additions. Weapons is always a certain skill level required, giving you thanks also upgrade a growing arsenal gets at your disposal.

Weapons wear it when used intensively. Which can be further repaired fee, but you will not swim fast Riptide in the money. A simple action-RPG is certainly not. Resources are scarce and the number of zombies is infinite. Moreover, they are not stupid undead. Many walkers are cumbersome traditional enemies, which usually have little to fear from. However, there are faster variants and special zombies, not simply to the ground to get.

It is also possible to Riptide co-op play, where online with up to four players can work together. From a strategic attack on a group of zombies is, however, almost never any question: just as in the first part is a matter of rams, kick, break bones and chop off limbs and heads. Yet it is often better to work together than to explore the jungle on your own. The completion of a mission takes the multiplayer mode less time, while revenue is shared fairly. Moreover, each character fights against zombies that are tailored to his or her level.

So much for the good news. Indeed, there is a lot to criticize in Riptide. Firstly, there is little variation in the missions. Nine times out of ten you should be looking for a specific item. In order to be able to use the item, is in turn, requires another component. Within a given contract, you have to pretty much do the same thing a number of times to complete a mission successfully. For other characters, you can search for specific items, thus defending your base is strengthened. It often takes more time than you expect. Even the seemingly simple side missions can be difficult assignments, but it is hardly original.

The storyline is, as in the predecessor, thin. It starts promising with an exciting escape from a sinking ship, a military coup and a horde of zombies to be finished with shotguns. But then there is no longer any drama or emotions, but a weak synopsis. Moreover, it is a repetition exercise: on an island always about doing the same, without any depth to characters and surprising twists. In addition, the graphics and animation are not top to the very poor lip sync, soundtrack and background noise to mention.

Riptide is thus more an extension of the first part, but Techland will bring it anyway as a full game on the market. This is easy going on, while the concept of Dead Island has all the potential to become a great series. Old characters can be imported the first part, there are times when you have to defend a site against a horde and there are boats: hence the innovations keep pretty much on. The environments look otherwise quite nice out, with beautiful beaches, well-designed villages and extensive jungles.
Because of the weaknesses and lack of innovation is Riptide especially recommended for true horror fans and fans of the first part, which did not bother with the routine performing assembly line work at checkout with enemies. The skill level system and the development of weapons are still positive aspects. Also, the open world of detail and content. The things that made Dead Island in 2011 to an attractive game, also save this disappointing sequel. In terms of graphics, the game can not compete with top games, while the sound for improvement.

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