It is the first game that has made developer NetherRealm Studios after their highly

Expectations for Injustice: Gods Among Us storeys high. It is the first game that has made developer NetherRealm Studios after their highly successful reboot of Mortal Kombat. At the same time, there was also some suspicion with looks at the title. The last time we saw the cast of DC Universe in a game from the developer, which not everyone was satisfied with the result. With Injustice: Gods Among Us, the developer some cases reversed, so the game is not compared with Mortal Kombat.
But of course everyone will make comparison nonetheless immediately. That is logical. They are both 2D fighters, they both have internships with multiple levels and both games use a light-, medium- and heavy attack button. But the fourth button you use in Injustice: Gods Among Us not blocking, but for your character power.

This character has power for each character differently. Batman raises bats that can protect him or that he can use to extend a combo, Superman's blows come harder and Lex Luthor gets a shield that can absorb one blow. The character power button I found to use much less in practice than I thought before. You're in the clear fight much more dependent on your special moves and your super move.
The special moves are again techniques that belong to that particular character. Batman uses his grapple hook to pull himself to his opponent, he can throw batarangs and use his cape to parry's. When you perform a special move, it fills a super meter at the bottom. When it is full, you can activate a super move. This is the strongest move for each character in the game, and the replacement of the fatalities from Mortal Kombat. It was also my biggest fear regarding the game.
Because I immediately got a scenario in my head what you saw earlier often Dragon Ball Z games. That meant: Charging until you could do a super move and keep repeating it. I was afraid that in Injustice: Gods Among Us on the same would be tantamount, especially since it literally had to come along in every trailer and gameplay video of the game.

Moreover, the same was true of the interactive environments (interactables) and the level transitions. It all looked beautiful and spectacular, but also a bit easy. If you want somewhere a fighter's neck along to can run, to process it by many of these gimmicks in it, making the balance and pace lost.
If this worries you familiar, I can reassure you now. I also feared, but NetherRealm Studios terms of super moves, and interactables level transitions found a good balance. Before that however the developer deserves the proverbial pat on the shoulder, because I was here very skeptical. Now I'm at. Especially since the whole super move system correctly is a good tool for novice players, but as you get to know the game better you're going to use a lot less these super moves.
That's because you can use parts of the super meter to make stronger your special moves. A Batarang will explode example and do more damage. The grapplehook kicks do not leave the enemy, but it paralyzes while Batman arrives just in front of him, making it much easier to go straight loose with a big combo. This is also getting used to when you go online for the first time with the game. Unlike the single super moves are used much less and does (thankfully) to make combos, the positioning and the usual elements you expect from a fighter.

Incidentally, it may be some time before you venture for the first time online multiplayer because if NetherRealm Studios showed something with their previous game, it's that they know how they can keep the lone wolves busy among us singleplayer. Injustice: Gods Among Us is doing in this respect is certainly not inferior to Mortal Kombat. Many people will start with the story mode, which tells the story of Superman has deviated a bit from the right path and have dominion over the Earth with an iron fist. It remains a little weird to see Superman in the role of 'ultimate bad guy, but it works very well.
I only had a little more expected from the explanation why, for example Catwoman can take on Superman. In earlier interviews had NetherRealm Studios already said they took into account this and that it would all be explained in the story mode. A little anticlimactic when that statement turned out to be a kind of Superman-steroid pill that everyone who makes it immediately swallowed a lot stronger.
It is casually stop by and after that single swallow moment no further attention more to the story. Too bad, but more than a little frown moment it is not because of the story. I will not further elaborate on, but it is interesting enough to want to continue playing until the credits are rolling over.

Besides the story mode you also have S.T.A.R. Labs, which will instantly recognize some people as the Challenge Tower from Mortal Kombat. In S.T.A.R. Labs you get a character ten different missions that have to be accomplished under special conditions. Sometimes you're poisoned and it is a race against the clock, then the battlefield is bombarded with lightning that you should avoid.
Fighting is then interrupted by mini-games. In S.T.A.R. Labs Catwoman missions you get to a point control of her cat Isis and you have to sneak past a level lasers and guards. Sometimes the game saves here a bit too much in and through you too preoccupied with minigames rather than fight, but it compensates with other game modes.
Just like every fighter on Earth has Injustice: Gods Among Us is also an arcade mode, here called Classic Battle. In addition to these 'regular' arcade mode knows the game yet nineteen other modes. The classic Survivor is the party, but also more unique variants. For example Fully Charged Battle, where you have a constant full super meter, but not super moves can do (once a good mode to practice enhanced special moves!) Or Combo Heaven, which you must make a combo of a certain length in order to allowed to the next stage.

With everything you do in the single player, you earn experience points. For each level you rise, you play free points that can be used in the archives. In the archives you can unlock everything like new outfits, music, concept art, game modes and backgrounds. It's say the Crypt of Mortal Kombat with a new look.
In multiplayer you can also earn experience points by simply win battles. There is also an option to participate in the daily challenges. Every day you will be challenged by NetherRealm Studios. For example: Win ten online matches with Harley Quinn. Which can in each mode, both ranked and unranked. Ranked matches are always 1v1, but in unranked matches you can also choose from King of the Hill and Survivor. Especially King of the Hill is a must, because you can see the matches of other players. It makes the wait for your turn pulling and if you keep your eyes open, you can also learn something.

Anyways serves the game players who want to improve their skills in a good way. Each fighter fanatic who wants to delve into a game will immediately forums to look for frame data. For the laymen: frame data is useful because you can thus see how long it takes to arrive just an attack on the opponent. Which frame data has NetherRealm Studios immediately added to the list moves. And not only the frame data, but also the damage that does exactly the attack and hit and block advantages. Of course there are enough players for which it sounds like algebra and never pay attention to, but for the serious player saves a lot of searching on forums.
It is NetherRealm Studios managed to convert their successful formula of Mortal Kombat to DC Universe. Injustice: Gods Among Us has not been a simple translation of a few skins, it has really become a game with its own feel. Apart from a small anticlimax does not make the story mode disappoint, there is plenty of free play and the game serves players who want to be better in a good way; of an on-line mode to practice a movement input which rotates as the characters on the screen of exchange side. A game that keeps you coming back for both in single and multiplayer.

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